關於sweeping the floor的評價, Calvin Klein
Lean and linear. British Vogue features a dramatic, floor sweeping Calvin Klein Collection dress in...
Lean and linear. British Vogue features a dramatic, floor sweeping Calvin Klein Collection dress in...
👦🏻👩🏻用咗極速嘅時間用呢一部四合一地板清潔機去吸塵, 拖地, 抹地, 仲吸咗好多我哋跌落地下嘅嘢食...
【新年習俗】打破東西記得立刻講「落地開花,富貴榮華」! #小時候被逼年初一不能洗頭的舉手 #...
This guy was sweeping the floor when I first step...
【玳瑚師父隨筆錄】《清明時節談孝親》 Filial Piety on Qingming Festiv...
The kids - tired from following me to and fro the ...
Chores and learning to contribute to the whole ar...
Possibly the only vantage point that offers sweep...
上星期又影左一個Lookbook,相片大概下星期會在 www.ACFClothing.com 的網...